Wednesday, January 24, 2018

Bud No Longer in Top 3

Just in time for Beer Can Appreciation Day . . .

For the first time, the three best-selling beers in America are light beers. Can craft brewers catch up? The Washington Post

The top three selling beers are Bud Light, Coors Light, and Miller Lite - all light beers. And, craft brewers are taking note:
" Golden ales — also known as blonde ales — have been tipped to be “the next big thing” for years, thanks to astonishing year-on-year growth rates, including a 62 percent increase in 2015, and a 41 percent gain in 2017. "
Consider Kahana Blonde Ale from Kona Brewing which is, in itself, a light beer at 99 calories. Here's how it stacks up against the top three:

  1. Bud Light - 110 calories
  2. Coors Light - 102 calories
  3. Miller Lite - 96 calories

I don't remember which brewery I was in but the brewer was acknowledging the aging of brewers and craft beer aficionados alike. Of their beers, he said they were reconfiguring their fathers' beers - mostly lagers. Besides nostalgia, a brewer wants to sell more beer. "Session" beer is key - a lighter beer (both in terms of calories and alcohol) gives rise to ordering a second beer.

I appreciate that. I like to drink beer, and more than one. Having something easy to drink makes drinking easy.

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