Sunday, April 24, 2022

Coffee Here

There are more coffee joints than breweries in the Coachella Valley and Palm Springs Life has reviewed some of its local purveyors in The Joy of Coffee

I was surprised when I read that the beans used at Ernest Coffee were from a roaster in Oregon. Cafe La Jefe's beans come from Colorado.  But most of our local cafes get their beans from local roasters.

I created the following list using the information from the Palm Springs Life article to keep track of where these places are. You know, just in case I'm out and about and a need a coffee. (I have personally sampled the places noted in red.)

Local Coffee JointLocationRoasterTry
Cafe La JefePalm SpringsSisters Coffee CompanyCOcafé de olla
Sixth Street CoffeeCoachellaArcade Coffee RoastersCAhorchata latte
Bluebird DayPalm SpringsJoshua Tree Coffee CompanyCAchai affogato, cold brew
Ernest CoffeePalm SpringsStumptownORpistachio-rose latte, espresso
Everbloom CoffeeIndiobutterscotch iced latte
KoffiPalm Springs, Rancho Miragehouse roastedCA
location TBDPalm Desert818 CoffeeCA

There are other notable coffee places about town that were not included in the Palm Springs Life article:
According to the Desert Sun, we will soon have a new coffee roaster (and tap house!) in downtown Coachella at Coachella General

Coffee and beer at the same location? We could not be more pleased.

Take note the next time you're vacationing in the desert: There's plenty of local coffee houses to try. And, while the local beers here are very good, there aren't nearly enough breweries. 


Thursday, April 7, 2022


 ... is National Beer Day.

The Cullen–Harrison Act, named for its sponsors, Senator Pat Harrison and Representative Thomas H. Cullen, enacted by the United States Congress on March 21, 1933, and signed by President Franklin D. Roosevelt the following day, legalized the sale in the United States of beer with an alcohol content of 3.2% (by weight) and wine of similarly low alcohol content, thought to be too low to be intoxicating, effective April 7, 1933. Upon signing the legislation, Roosevelt made his famous remark, "I think this would be a good time for a beer."


Too bad it's not Friday. 

Oh, well. Thursday's close enough for me.