Sunday, August 11, 2024

This post has been interrupted to bring you the following . . .

 I came across the following post that I started months ago and then, apparently, forgot about. Since then, we've traveled quite a bit and sampled beer at numerous breweries along the way. By my count, we have visited 33 different breweries since the beginning of the year.  (We visited all but three since the beginning of June.)  Most of them were new to us; 11 or 12 of them we've been to before.

On top of that, we have had 22 different beers outside of breweries - in taphouses, beerfests, airports. At least 13 were beers we'd never tried before. This doesn't include all the beer still in my fridge that we haven't gotten around to yet!

Needless to say, it's hard to keep track of it all, assuming that's something to which one should aspire. Theoretically, my next post will be of the just beers we tried during our last three road trips. 

If you're following along, you may recall that we made a major roadtrip to the Pacific Northwest (Roadtrip! #BeerTravel). Since then, we've made smaller trips to Arizona, San Diego, and Portland and wouldn't you know? We sampled more beer!

My unfinished post is below. My next post will follow once I get it all organized. (You can imagine with so much beer, it's hard to stay focused.) Until then, stay cool and stay hydrated. 🍺

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Pictured is only what we've sampled recently.

Through the benevolence of a visitor, we came into a treasure trove of beer.  We had cases of beer brought to us from the Pacific Northwest. So much that my refrigerator didn't have room for any food. Some of the beer was necessarily stored in the laundry room. Food was stuffed into vegetable drawers.

I considered setting up a neighborhood beer exchange program. In fact, I did make a couple of exchanges. In March, I traded some Even Par from La Quinta Brewing for some Zona Pilsner from 12 West Brewing Company (AZ). Both are award winning beers.

Later, after I came into my bevy of beer, I exchanged a couple of Pilsners from Pfriem (OR) for some Cutthroat Pale Ale from Uinta Brewing (UT) with a neighbor. It was a this point, I thought I would start writing about the various beers I was trying and exchanging with other beer lovers.

As these things happen, I never got around to that and in the interim, my inventory has been severely depleted. And for the record, I think I came out on top with both those trades. 

The Zona Pilsner from 12 West was highly drinkable (🍻) while the Even Par is an IPA with and ABV of 7.2%. Cutthroat (an award winning beer from Uinta) was more in the style of an English-style bitters than an American pale ale - more malt and pine rather than pale IPA-light. While not heavy with alcohol you could make a meal out of a Cutthroat in flavor.

As you can see from the picture, we also received some RPM IPA from Boneyard Beer (OR). Another IPA (not pictured because we drank it all) was Shadow Shinobi from Loowit Brewing Company. Both were outstanding. I've strayed from IPA in recent years but these were so good that I may need to find a way to get more. I'll just out on a limb here: IPAs from the PNW are the best. 

We still have some of the Pyxis Pilsner from Ecliptic Brewing which is quite tasty and something we had not tried before. (Neither the brewer in Oregon, nor their beer anywhere.)

Still remaining in inventory are

[This post has been interrupted.]

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