Saturday, March 15, 2025

What does it take to master beer?

A lot of beer, you might say but that would only tell part of the story. It also takes a lot of study and tuition.

There is, in fact, a certification program akin to the Sommelier certification for the wine industry. 
" The Cicerone Certification Program empowers beer professionals around the world through the development and recognition of beer skill and knowledge. "

The program consists of four levels culminating in the Master Cicerone certification. The exam for Master Cicerone is a two-day affair at a cost of nearly $1,100. It is given only once or twice per year and obtaining the first three certifications is a prerequisite.

Certified Beer Server is the first level. The exam consists of 60 multiple choice questions that must be completed in 30 minutes. The cost to take the exam is $79.

The exam for the second-level certification, Certified Cicerone, is $450 and consists of a written part (3 hours, online) plus a tasting part (45 minutes, in person) and a demonstration portion (3 minutes, video recorded).

The Advanced Cicerone (third level) exam is given multiple times per year in various cities at a cost of $850.

That's almost $2,500, days of testing, and countless hours of study. Plus the cost for various study materials based on a student's mode of learning and previous experience in the industry.

And, that's not all. The syllabus to the Master Cicerone course explains:

" At the Advanced and Master Cicerone levels, candidates are expected to have a broad knowledge of culinary terms from around the globe, spanning ingredients, methods of preparation, and finished dishes. "

According to this Wall Street Journal article, there are only 28 Master Cicerones in the world. Not surprising, considering everything a Master Cicerone needs to master.

" Cicerones describe their jobs as different from sommeliers swanning around Michelin-starred restaurants. They often work inside beer companies, developing brews and assessing when they are ready, and assisting with design and operations. They are frequently tapped for beer-education events and to judge competitions. "

Don't get me started on the Beer Judge Certification program. That's a whole other thing!

The point is, enjoy your beer. If you want to know more, you can find a lot of resources online or at the library. But, if you want to really get serious about beer, check out the resources available on the Cicerone Certification Program website. A lot of the information there is free or at low cost.

Who knows? You might just learn something interesting about the beverage you love to drink.

#Cheers, #BeerFreak, #BeerHere, #BeerCareful

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