There are more coffee joints than breweries in the Coachella Valley and Palm Springs Life has reviewed some of its local purveyors in The Joy of Coffee.
I was surprised when I read that the beans used at Ernest Coffee were from a roaster in Oregon. Cafe La Jefe's beans come from Colorado. But most of our local cafes get their beans from local roasters.
I created the following list using the information from the Palm Springs Life article to keep track of where these places are. You know, just in case I'm out and about and a need a coffee. (I have personally sampled the places noted in red.)
- Cartel Roasting Co has multiple locations in AZ and one in Palm Springs.
- Coachella Valley Coffee in Palm Springs supplies the coffee for PSP Coffee House at the Palm Spring Airport and where I personally get my own supply of coffee.
- Idyllwild Coffee Roasters is a short drive away in Idyllwild.
IW Coffee in Indian Wells also brews coffee from Joshua Tree Coffee.